очень нужно решение....

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем @Dzumandzo@, 4 апр 2010.

  1. @Dzumandzo@

    @Dzumandzo@ New Member

    очень нужно решение. если у кого-то есть или найдете правильные ответы буду очень благодарен. Тест № 1 1. Употребите правильную формуглагола.
  2. Rokere1

    Rokere1 New Member

    1 is having. cooks. have. drive.  
    4 leaves. goes.
    5 watch.
    6 is doing.
    7 is shining. isn't raining 
    8 rains
    10 lives
     2 тест 
    1 do
    2 does 
    3 does
    4 does
    5 do
    6 does
    7 does 
    8 does
    9 does
    3 тест 
    1 where does michael work?
    2 does brenda live in leeds?
    3 when does kevin go out with friends?
    4 what does luc like?
    5 how john prierce go to his office?
    6 where does mary work?
    7 who lives in the counrty?
    8 when they have six lessons?
    9 how long it takes to get to school?
    10 how does your sister play chess?

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